Release 1.0!

Now, when you enter a room, you will be asked to provide a name.

This is necessary so that other players can see who is currently rolling the dice, as well as what he got on them.

Now, when you enter a room, you will be asked to provide a name.

This is necessary so that other players can see who is currently rolling the dice, as well as what he got on them.

Another innovation is the preservation of maps.

In order to save the map, go to the menu and click save, you will download 3 text files with the name of what they save.

In order to download the map, you need to go to the previously downloaded text files and copy the text from them and paste it into the text fields in the menu, according to the file name. After you have inserted all the text files, click upload.

Files Play in browser
54 days ago

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